Stephan Nance & “A Trouble Piece of Fruit” CD

Per the website of Stephan Nance, he is Oregon’s foremost awkwardly charming vegan straight-edge queer alternative piano folk rock musician. I would add a dash of quirky to that mix, and he’s been on my radar for a while. I happen to love quirky and he’s been working on his full-length CD for several years now, by releasing a couple preliminary EPs with a few of the ultimate tracks. The new CD is finally here, and (see what I mean) he named it “A Troubled Piece of Fruit.”
While he does not yet have professional videos, his utter charm more than makes up for that, and I encourage you to check out these two tracks. First, “Song for Losers”…
View the Video

And then the delightful “Cuddlefish”
View the Video

You can hear a lot more clips at the links below…



