Gay Super Bowl Song

Okay, I hate football….but I do not discriminate, I hate all sports, and only watch sports once every four years (Summer Olympics: men’s gymnastics, swimming and diving). So you would hardly expect me to blog about the Super Bowl, when I almost never even know who is playing, and then it’s by accident and I forget immediately. But this blog is about Gay Super Bowl Music, sort of…. And I have the perfect song to feature, and then, one not so perfect….

Somehow, in 1985 the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus recorded the “49ers Fight Song,” and it of course came out on colored vinyl, clear yellow. Someone posted it to YouTube, so I’ll refer to it there.

This YouTube version includes the flip side, not involving the SFGMC. It’s “Spirit of America” by Razzberry Reynolds, and the Big Top Circus Concert Band. It starts at the 1:47 minute mark.

And, the other song……

Hear “The Sissy Football”

This one came out in 1971, by The Village Soul Choir…and you can judge the sissy part for yourself.



